Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Belated Christmas Prayer

As the sun rose on this Christmas morning, the most powerful energy source in our solar system, I realized something extraordinary: It was nothing compared to the light that came into the world over 2,000 years ago. With the birth of a child, darkness had been banished forever, not just a few hours a day.

"In the beginning, there was the Word
And the Word became Flesh."

Heavenly Father, Yours is the power and the glory.
You don't need anything from us - You Are.
But You gave us a gift today:
A gift of Your Love.
A gift more precious than any possession,
Any job,
Than even the family gathered here.

You gave us an infant that would save the world.
You gave us a brother, a shepherd, a king.
A Savior I personally never deserved.
A Savior that walked the earth,
That died so I can be with You....forever.

In Jesus' name I pray:
Let us humbly serve You,
Praise You continually
And love one another as commanded.
Let my feet follow Your path,
My hands do Your work,
And my voice make a joyful noise to You.

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